Terry Merge Reviews

15 Days Ago
Didn't like p2p part...
18 Days Ago
I don't know why... But i played in this one longer than i thought gonna play
Too addictive
22 Days Ago
i am disappointed in myself for playing this for longer than i should
25 Days Ago
The +5 boxes timer gave me +1 :(
52 Days Ago
item keeps ghosting but its fun!
3 Months Ago
i have become ze slop
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
I can't stop playing it please send help.
3 Months Ago
This shit slaps, brutha fixed it, I cant stop merging, played for 2hrs straight for first time, great game, cant wait to see what else comes from it, but already feels complete.
4 Months Ago
Terry merge!!!
4 Months Ago
"click the crate to spawn a supply crate" >no crate
4 Months Ago
Why are we making a game that requires currency and waiting lmaoooo this isn't the app store
5 Months Ago
The game feels unfinished
5 Months Ago
I haven't figured out how to play it xD
3 Months Ago
i mean the game looks promising but the fact that you have to wait a long ass time for anything is really a problem. +5 boxes per 5 minutes is actually +1 box per 5 minutes
5 Months Ago
not working
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Ahahahahahaha dude those animals are so fucking funny they make me wanna merge without looking! Yeah, Rumsfeld!
5 Months Ago
worlds quickest produced shitpost