trophy 720
Apr 2021 140 posts
trophy 15
Sep 2023 3 posts
something tells me we are getting close
trophy 0
Dec 2022 3 posts
nuget support when
trophy 1455
Apr 2021 23 posts
Excited to see the official sandbox gamemode. Will definitely bring in a lot of players if it's done well.
trophy 430
Jul 2022 64 posts
It's s&boxing time
trophy 400
May 2021 3 posts
trophy 350
Oct 2021 12 posts
this post could win 1st place
trophy 10
Jul 2024 5 posts
Thanks Garry, very cool
trophy 270
Sep 2021 54 posts
you did a good job, guys. 
trophy 0
Aug 2022 3 posts
that's sick
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Jul 2024 7 posts
So I gotta say I agree mostly with your views on exceptions Garry. It's important to understand what is happening and why it is happening. For warnings this can mean you analyze it, understand what the warning is saying, realize it does not apply to what you are trying to do, and so you suppress it in that specific case, though for me this is rare. For an exception something is clearly wrong that needs to be fixed.

However I think in a release build it may be desirable to try and keep the game running. Lots of frameworks take this approach. Unity... JavaScript... PowerShell (by default).... uh... Visual Basic....

I think it should be ultimately up to the developer. PowerShell and VB let you turn on or off this behavior. It may make sense to add a project setting in s&box for this as well. Maybe for in-development works you want it on (or just break to debugger when an exception is hit, like with .NET programming with VS) and with a published gamemode it's off, since presumably any errors by that point were unanticipated and you should at least try to keep going if at all possible.

Personally I would want to see and fix all errors in my code but I can understand there is situations, especially in production, where you might just want to cross your fingers and try to power through.
trophy 1480
Sep 2023 14 posts
I suggest that you give developers the freedom to choose whether their games insta-exit on exception or not.

Some games can be played adequately without the need to handle every single possible exception in existence
(Examples: solo games that don't need to account for perfect data parity with servers,
Non-critical multiplayer games (ones that don't value online/global competition) in which the gameplay can sometimes be enhanced when things go wrong).

Unhandled exceptions can also set off a cascading effect that not only reveals the exception itself, but what would happen if the exception was allowed to continue (whether good or bad).
Revealing the possibility of further improvement in safeguarding mechanisms in cases where exceptions do occur. Or revealing interesting/creative mechanics that can be exploited to enhance the gameplay rather than stall it.
trophy 0
Aug 2022 3 posts

No Servers?

trophy 0
Aug 2024 3 posts
Hello for exceptions i suggest a leaderboard, when game run into exceptions too frequently, the game become hidden from people, this prevent deception from s&box
trophy 165
Jul 2022 3 posts
nice work everyone.
trophy 0
Sep 2024 3 posts
Always happy to see the continued progress on this. I've been checking in every few months when I remember to for the last couple of years. It's been a delight seeing the direction Garry is taking things in, and the continued development efforts of the team over this long stretch of time. Soon will come the time where you receive the validation that all your efforts have been worth it. Best of luck everyone, keep going!
trophy 0
Feb 2023 8 posts
When will Garry add Sex to garry's mod 2?
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