Draw box shaped manual hitboxes (the only ones that are used) outlines.
The aim for "Bathoza" is to develop a full game (not for the tech jam) in the end using procedural generation for maps, loot, enemies, powerups and whatever else there is there so that when you take a dive you always get something new.
The setting is for a dystopian future where you live in a city with many layers on top of each other, you'd take a dive into the "old parts" where you loot and get power-ups (single playthrough) and upgrades (across plays) making this a roguelite. The aim is to get as much as you can from a session, there are multiple exit points so you can leave at any moment, but you may leave behind nice rewards.
There's exploration involved, mini boss/horde fights when you want to unlock a vault (major power-ups) and boss fights for upgrades. There are some platforming elements to it as well, you'd need to jump around and navigate the map (a desolate understructure where enemies lurk).
This is the general idea for the game, for the
TechJam I aim to cover as much as I can for the map generation as the main focus is procedural generation.