Your Turn Reviews

4 Days Ago
Needs figures that are more distinct from each other
12 Days Ago
Would of been amazing but after you beat the ai once code breaks (tried 4 times)
15 Days Ago
Take literally and hour to learn chess and its rules and update your game. I played for a minute and ragequit cause I didn't realize white pieces would be on the black side of the board (lol). I think it's cool being able to play a typically multiplayer game in singleplayer on s& due to the lower player count and I like the style.
instantly got a code error, couldn't move any pieces
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
I tried to play queen's gambit but it turned out that queen and king had swapped places, so it became king's gambit. I love Inscryption-like style of it, but possibility to turn any pawn to a queen looks a bit overpowered.
10 Months Ago
This isn't just a regular chess right xD so I really appreciate some cool additions to it (these new tools which make traditional chess more fun). Look like there is huge amount of job done. Especially I want to draw attention on unique self-made 3d-models - that was not necessary, but fits well!
11 Months Ago
ducc approved
11 Months Ago
I don't like chess, but this job looks good.