August Update
Posted 13 days ago
Similar to stats, leaderboards no longer need to be defined in the backend. They can now be built on demand, from any player stat.
var board = Sandbox.Services.Leaderboards.GetFromStat( "facepunch.ss1", "victory_elapsed_time" );

board.SetAggregationMin(); // select the lowest value from each player
board.SetSortAscending(); // order by the lowest value first
board.FilterByMonth(); // only show results from this month
board.CenterOnMe(); // offset so I'm in the middle of the results
board.MaxEntries = 100; 

await board.Refresh();

foreach ( var entry in board.Entries )
	Log.Info( $"{entry.Rank} - {entry.DisplayName} - {entry.Value} [{entry.Timestamp}]" );
You can read more about using the new leaderboards here.