KZ Dev Blog #1


I'm not exactly sure why my change notes do not appear anywhere (for me, or you), so I'll try to gather all my thoughts and updates here.


I have been making a TON of updates, so some may be missed here since I can't view the changelogs :))))

- added some console commands (kz_help, kz_fov, and kz_mode for now)
- save player preferences to disk (mode, viewmodel, multiplayer, fov)
- added a button to disable multiplayer due to buggy code and p2p latency
- added perf bhop logic & hud element (you have a certain tick window when landing to jump again to gain more speed)
- added kz_generic by rush2sk8

Coming Soon



The counterpart to rush2sk8's kz_generic


A colorful bhop map to show off the beauty of source 2, created by pwlnism


Since there is no way for me to reply to reviews (that deem a response), I will do so here

to nolew: ladders are... confusing. Currently there is only code to account for w/s and looking up/down. Soon I will conquer the programmatically complex ladder mechanics of cs :)

to zdf: Tap the tilde key (`) to open console, then type "sensitivity <number>". You can play around with it to see what feels right

to FRANKIE: thank you for bringing this bug to my attention; it has been fixed now

to REDRUM: unfortunately theres two ways to go about movement, tie it to frames, or tie it to tickrate. if I tie it to frames, there is going to be a whole slew of issues, and poor spec players will be entirely unable to play. tying to tickrate makes the most sense, but of course it will result in degraded performance on high latency. for the best experience, for now, I'd recommend disabling the multiplayer option and playing on your own server


If you'd like to see something implemented or changed, feel free to leave a comment on this newsletter. I feel this is the easiest way for players to connect with devs, and I'll actually be able to respond and assist with stuffs


Jul, 7 2022
Tying movement to the tickrate is definitely the way to go.
Tickrate is a must-have for consistency and working with delta time is garbage. Physics are nearly always tied to a simulation/tickrate (for very good reasons) and that's what movement is, physical.

You could always allow for a set of tickrates like 64, 128, 256. (depending on the performance) and track scores separately for each.
Jul, 7 2024
64 would be a fun addition to simulate "vanilla" cs movement in a more accurate way. I'll keep this in mind as I continue development :)