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Terrain Shapes + Image Previews + Generation/Export

Terrain shape selection was created. This allows you to select from four options:
  • Island
  • Mountainous
  • Volcanic
  • Normal/Hilly
There will be more terrain shapes to come in the near future, a list is being compiled of different terrain types and the math is coming together quite nicely.

If you have any suggestions for more terrain shapes, please submit a feature request!

Minor adjustments were made to take the image preview in widget instead of launching your OS's default image viewer. This simplifies generation, and allows you to make changes quickly and iterate settings to get the optimal terrain for you.

During the process of generation hundreds of HeightMaps in the testing of this widget, the decision was made to separate the Generation and Export features into two separate buttons. This will allow the Generation feature to more quickly compile preview images and load them into the widget. Overall, this saves time as the widget no longer has to wait for the raw HeightMap data to be exported to the .RAW file.
With this being the stable version, you might ask the question "What's Next?"

Well, I have a few features that I'm toying around with locally:
  • Domain Warping
  • Terrain Sub-Types
    • (i.e Atoll Islands, Multi-peak mountain ranges, Grass/Snow/Dessert Hills)
  • Erosion
  • Widget scene preview of generated terrain
  • Applying terrain to your current projects scene terrain component.
