System.Object GetValue( System.Object instance, string name )



The GetValue method of the TypeDescription class is used to retrieve the value of a property or field from a given instance of an object. This method is particularly useful when you need to access a property or field dynamically by its name.


To use the GetValue method, you need to provide the instance of the object from which you want to retrieve the value and the name of the property or field as a string. The method will return the value as an System.Object, which you may need to cast to the appropriate type.


// Example usage of TypeDescription.GetValue

// Assume 'myObject' is an instance of a class with a property 'MyProperty'
TypeDescription typeDescription = TypeLibrary.GetTypeDescription(myObject.GetType());

// Retrieve the value of 'MyProperty'
object value = typeDescription.GetValue(myObject, "MyProperty");

// Cast the value to the appropriate type
string myPropertyValue = value as string;

// Now you can use 'myPropertyValue' as needed