State of Alpha 1

In the past 20 days, development of DXRP has been at full force. Overall, the project is becoming its own thing apart from the nicked origins and day-by-day becoming more faithful to the original DarkRP experience.

This post will highlight the major updates from the past 20 days of development.

If you'd like to see everything and more, you can join the discord here: 
A major milestone for this month has been the rollout of the initial foundation of global persistence.

Now player's balance are shared globally, and economy-related actions are authored externally from s&box.

These are the current top players currently:
Balances are subject to adjustments and wipes during alpha.
Medics now have a med kit which they can use to heal players / entities / props.

They allow overhealing by 1.25x and allow for repairing of damaged printers/shipments or props (more on this later on)
A replacement for a lockpick is the prybar, it works in the same way, basically you bang a door and eventually you'll crack it open (30 seconds).

It's loud and obvious so keep an eye out for the police.

For now the police chief, thief, and mob boss have them.
Police now have two special items.

1. The Baton
This is just a more powerful fist for beating people about, will be expanded in future.
2. Hand Cuffs
This is similar to the arrest stick.

Left click to arrest, right click to unarrest.

It has a 1 second cooldown for now and it's pretty tricky to cuff a player who's actively avoiding so be accurate and hope they don't have a gun.

When someone is arrested they're stripped, removed from their job and put in jail
From here they can pay bail, escape (if they see sunlight, they'll be unarrested) or be pardoned.

The mayor also has cuffs but can only pardon people.

The default jail time for now is 75 seconds.
Doors can now be owned by a job group, this is mainly PD and one apartment build where their main doors are public (to prevent people from hogging the entire building)
Both the RPMenu and Build Menu have overgone a reskin and cleanup.

Build Menu:

I didn't really want to directly try and copy Garry's Mod, and the physgun is probably copyrighted in some sense.

So we now have the hammer:
and the "Tool"
They behave the same as the physgun and toolgun just more RP themed (in a way)
The initial tools have been added, with more planned.

Text Tool: Place text in the world (as your saw above)
Remove Tool: Remove one of your owned props with precision (without having to undo everything).

There are many more planned, some of the notable ones are:
  • Fading door
  • Keypad
  • Button
  • Material

Behind the scenes I've redone all the limits and cooldowns to use an unified system 

Now props, entity spawning, money dropping, and actions are all centrally managed and server-side.

This should help with the certain type of players...
These are the active things behind the scenes keeping DXRP ticking.

The most notable ones are (which aren't covered by other sections):

Door reclaimer: This will sell doors of disconnected players
Glass repairer: Will repair glass after a prolong period of no breakage.
Perf System: Will freeze all rigid bodies (on all clients) when there's major performance issues.

Voting is in!

This is a generic system that is used for various things. Currently just job voting, demoting and vote kicking.

Simple yes/no, if it's your vote, you'll automatically cast yes.

It only counts active voters and has early termination if outcome can be derived. 

Voting kicking & Demoting requires at least 3 players to vote.
Job limits are now explicitly shown on the UI and will specify if you need a vote to become.

When the mayor dies, they'll now be demoted. Not sure how this will play out but generally the police should protect the mayor's life and there's a real consequences to having shitty laws (coming soon).

Was in the big long list of the old news post but there was no images!

These can be purchased by gun dealers and work the same as DarkRP shipments.
You'll now get a  overlay when looking at something with health (or a description).
It will show the health, state and whatever else.

For props it shows the owner and the current prop health.

Prop Health....

This is temporary and is just a cope for the lack of moderation for the moment. It requires a full clip to really break props and you can heal them with medics or reinforce.

Outside of s&box, I've been creating a moderation platform that lets me check player actions and their current state.

These are early days but the idea is to expand this with player reporting, warns, bans and even more useful tools.

DXRP is shaping up but there's still much more to do.

Here's my current list of things to do (within the near future)
  1. Governance (Laws, Warrants, Mayor power)
  2. A preset of approved cloud models for consistent experience (Maybe)
  3. Drug making as a drug dealer
  4. Hobo annoy weapon
  5. Cooking/something for cooks
  6. Moderation tools (Bans, Warnings, Reports)
  7. Economy adjustments

    Plus the on-going bug fixes.
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Mar 2023 22 posts
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Sep 2022 45 posts
 The taser for the police 
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