February 2025 devlog

I'm still unemployed, this is what I've been up to this past month, many times staying up until 6am.

Added cosmetics, using the existing s&box clothing system. I added all of the available cosmetics, including the removed ones on the marketplace.

They can be bought and equipped in-game without having to pay real money for them. They take some time equipping and unequipping, so you can't just change them while running from the cops.
Added a character preview in the character menu, so you can see what others see when they look at you. It spins!
Completely reworked the chat system, it might remind you of DarkRP a bit.
People can "hear" you within a certain range when talking normally, and you can whisper or shout to change the distance.

OOC can be used to broadcast messages to everyone, and it will also be sent to Discord, which also sends back messages to the global chat.

Classic chat commands are back, like /me, /dropmoney, /title, etc. There's a list of commands that appear when you type /. Some of these are just because I can't be bothered to make a UI for them.

The chat also has text-to-speech, so you can hear what people are saying around you.

I'm thinking of splitting up the chat into local and global chat, but it's just some fake buttons in the UI so far.
Above people heads are the classic name tags, which shows the name and title. When typing something, there's an icon - and when you're typing, you can see who can hear you.

There are also short-lived message boxes.
When seeing a new player for the first time, their name will be "Unknown" both in the chat and above their head. You can shake hands with them to reveal their name.
Mostly internal stuff, but for the stuff you can see, carriables now take a while to change, and there's a new weapon wheel for them. It also makes an audible sound when switching.
The skill now affects how much your weapon sways and spreads when shooting, the more you shoot the more experience you get.
Added a fishing rod, it can both catch fish in designated areas, and attach to any small physics object.

Added an NPC system, with pedestrians walking around the city. They can witness crimes and call the police, and they can navigate around the city using custom nodes. Yes, you can kill them. Yes, they drop money.

Some of the same NPC behaviors is used for static NPCs, like shops and the real estate agent.

The real estate agent is finally back, where you can rent apartments. There's also a buyer NPC that can buy things you find in the world.
Apartments now have interior meshes, which can be painted with a paint roller. The paint is saved per apartment, so you can have different wall materials in different rooms.

Because there's no mesh import feature yet and the mesh tools are still a bit too limited, this feature will have to wait for a while, only using static meshes for now. Placeable walls will still be a thing.

Main Q menu got a redesign with the tabs reconsidered. The inventory is now under the character tab instead of a separate menu, and it has a preview of your character.
A lot of other things have been consolidated too, so there isn't a dozen tabs taking up space.

Added an ATM, where you can deposit and withdraw money. It's a bit slow (like in real life), so you can't just spam it.

After logging in, anyone can use it in your session, so if you have a gun to your head, they can take your money.
Fixed a lot of issues with the dedicated server, since developing in the editor is a lot different. We've gone past the singleplayer phase now, so it's time to get it working.

The s&box dedicated server still doesn't work with hotloading, so it's quite annoying to develop for it, but Facepunch knows about it.

I don't think any other game has this, maybe for good reason. If you have a 1.5L bottle of water that has 1L of water in it, and you find another 0.5L bottle of water, you can refill the 1.5L bottle with the 0.5L bottle, resulting in one full and one empty bottle.

Full items can be stacked if the item allows it.

Added a map with a prerendered view of the city, with markers for landmarks and other useful things. You can see where you are but not other players. In the future, gangs might have their members show up on the map.

The compass is one of those survival game things that spin around at the top of the screen, showing you which direction you're facing. You can add a navigation goal to it from the map.
Added a camera, which can take photos and save them to your computer. At the same time, it uploads them to the backend.

After taking a photo, you can print it with a photo printer and hang it up in your apartment, or post it to Discord through a chat command.

The camera has tons of sliders to play with, to make your character look absolutely horrendous. There's both a forward facing and a selfie mode.
Added picture posters, which can be placed on walls. They can be any image from allowed image hosts, so you can have a poster of your favorite anime chick hanging in your cave.

This feature will only be available to specific roles, so you can't just spam the server with NSFW images. Those are not allowed at all by the way.
Not much for you to care about here, but I can now see online players with extra information, check chat logs, and manage apartments.
All items have a weight to them, slowing you down when you walk. I haven't expended on this much yet, but it could be a good deterrant to only walking everywhere.

I might make it so some items can't be picked up if they're too big.
Windows can now be broken and replaced (in certain apartments at this time). There's also reinforcements, which can be placed on windows to make them withstand more damage.

The classic blinds are back, which are now toggleable per-window.
I made this all the way back in January 2024 when the scene system was released, but I never got around to adding it to the game. There was also the issue of baked sun lighting, but I found a way to get around it by disabling the map sun and adding my own dynamic light.

Now it's finally in, with a real-time clock based on UTC.
You won't survive a fall from the top of the skyscraper anymore. Pretty much it.
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Jun 2021 31 posts
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Sep 2021 58 posts
this is awesome work, dude!
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Oct 2023 1 post
Damn. Oven cooked meal. Delightful. 🧑‍🍳
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Apr 2021 161 posts
Wtf this is bigger than our blogs
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S&box February devlog today!
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