Static Members
Member Name | Summary |
FromHeightAndRadius | Creates a bounding box from a given height and radius. |
FromPositionAndSize | Creates a bounding box from a center position and size. |
FromBoxes | Creates a bounding box that encompasses a collection of bounding boxes. |
FromPoints | Creates a bounding box that encompasses a collection of points. |
Instance Members
Member Name | Summary |
Translate | Translates the bounding box by a given vector. |
Rotate | Rotates the bounding box by a given rotation. |
Transform | Transforms the bounding box by a given transformation. |
Contains | Checks if the bounding box contains a point or another bounding box. |
Overlaps | Checks if the bounding box overlaps with another bounding box. |
AddPoint | Expands the bounding box to include a given point. |
AddBBox | Expands the bounding box to include another bounding box. |
Grow | Grows the bounding box by a given amount. |
ClosestPoint | Finds the closest point on the bounding box to a given point. |
Trace | Traces a ray against the bounding box and returns if it hits. |
GetVolume | Get the volume of this AABB. Obsolete: Use BBox.Volume instead. |
Snap | Snaps the bounding box to a grid of a given size. |
Member Name | Summary |
Corners | An enumerable that contains all corners of this AABB. |
Center | Calculated center of the AABB. |
Size | Calculated size of the AABB on each axis. |
Extents | The extents of the bbox. This is half the size. |
RandomPointInside | Returns a random point within this AABB. |
RandomPointOnEdge | Returns a random point on the edge of this AABB. |
Volume | Returns the physical volume of this AABB. |
Member Name | Summary |
Mins | The minimum corner extents of the AABB. Values on each axis should be mathematically smaller than values on the same axis of Maxs. |
Maxs | The maximum corner extents of the AABB. Values on each axis should be mathematically larger than values on the same axis of Mins. |