struct BBox




Static Members

Member NameSummary
FromHeightAndRadiusCreates a bounding box from a given height and radius.
FromPositionAndSizeCreates a bounding box from a center position and size.
FromBoxesCreates a bounding box that encompasses a collection of bounding boxes.
FromPointsCreates a bounding box that encompasses a collection of points.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
TranslateTranslates the bounding box by a given vector.
RotateRotates the bounding box by a given rotation.
TransformTransforms the bounding box by a given transformation.
ContainsChecks if the bounding box contains a point or another bounding box.
OverlapsChecks if the bounding box overlaps with another bounding box.
AddPointExpands the bounding box to include a given point.
AddBBoxExpands the bounding box to include another bounding box.
GrowGrows the bounding box by a given amount.
ClosestPointFinds the closest point on the bounding box to a given point.
TraceTraces a ray against the bounding box and returns if it hits.
GetVolumeGet the volume of this AABB. Obsolete: Use BBox.Volume instead.
SnapSnaps the bounding box to a grid of a given size.


Member NameSummary
CornersAn enumerable that contains all corners of this AABB.
CenterCalculated center of the AABB.
SizeCalculated size of the AABB on each axis.
ExtentsThe extents of the bbox. This is half the size.
RandomPointInsideReturns a random point within this AABB.
RandomPointOnEdgeReturns a random point on the edge of this AABB.
VolumeReturns the physical volume of this AABB.


Member NameSummary
MinsThe minimum corner extents of the AABB. Values on each axis should be mathematically smaller than values on the same axis of Maxs.
MaxsThe maximum corner extents of the AABB. Values on each axis should be mathematically larger than values on the same axis of Mins.