struct Vector4



The Vector4 struct represents a 4-dimensional vector or point, commonly used in mathematical computations and graphics programming. It provides various methods and properties to manipulate and interact with 4D vectors.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
ZeroA 4D vector with all components set to 0.
OneA 4D vector with all components set to 1.
LerpLinearly interpolates between two vectors.
ParseParses a string to create a Vector4.
TryParseTries to parse a string to create a Vector4, returning a boolean indicating success.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
xThe X component of this Vector.
yThe Y component of this Vector.
zThe Z component of this Vector.
wThe W component of this Vector.
LengthThe length of this vector object.
LengthSquaredThe squared length of this vector object.
IsNearZeroLengthWhether length of this vector is nearly zero.
LerpToInterpolates this vector towards a target vector.