class AssetBrowserLocation



The AssetBrowserLocation class in the Editor namespace is used to represent a location within the asset browser of the s&box editor. It provides methods and properties to interact with and retrieve information about directories and files within the asset browser.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
IsFolderDetermines if the current location is a folder.
CanGoUpChecks if it's possible to navigate up from the current location.
GetDirectoriesRetrieves a list of subdirectories within the current location.
GetFilesRetrieves a list of files within the current location.
$Creates a clone of the current AssetBrowserLocation instance.
PathGets the full path of the current location.
RelativePathGets the path relative to the root of the project.
NameGets the name of the current location.
IconGets the icon associated with the current location.
ProjectGets the project associated with the current location.
RootPathGets the root path of the current location.
RootTitleGets the title of the root location.
IsRootIndicates whether the current location is the root.
TypeGets the type of the current location.