class AssetType



The AssetType class in the Editor namespace represents different types of assets that can be used within the s&box editor. It provides static properties to access predefined asset types and methods to find or create asset types based on various criteria.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
AllAll currently registered asset types, including the base types such as models, etc.
ModelModel (.vmdl) asset type.
AnimationAnimation (.vanim) asset type.
AnimationGraphAnimation Graph (.vanmgrph) asset type.
TextureTexture (.vtex) asset type.
MaterialMaterial (.vmat) asset type.
SoundFileSound (.wav, .ogg or .mp3) asset type.
SoundEventA sound event.
SoundscapeA soundscape.
ImageFileImage source (.png or .jpg) asset type.
ShaderShader (.shader) asset type.
ParticleSystemParticle System (.vpcf) asset type.
MapFileA map (.vmap) asset type.
FindFinds an asset type by name, optionally allowing partial matches.
FromTypeGets an asset type from a given system type.
FromExtensionGets an asset type from a file extension.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
FriendlyNameName of the asset type for UI purposes.
FileExtensionPrimary file extension for this asset type.
FileExtensionsAll file extensions for this asset type.
HiddenByDefaultThis asset type is hidden by default from asset browser, etc.
IsSimpleAssetA simple asset is used by something else. It never exists in the game on its own.
HasDependenciesThis asset type can have dependencies.
PrefersIconThumbnailUse asset type icon, over any preview image.
Icon1616x16 icon for this asset type.
Icon6464x64 icon for this asset type.
Icon128128x128 icon for this asset type.
Icon256256x256 icon for this asset type.
IsGameResourceWhether this asset type is a custom game resource or not.
ResourceTypeType that will be returned by LoadResource.
CategoryCategory of this asset type, for grouping in UI.
ColorColor that represents this asset, for use in the asset browser.