Widget CreateWidget( Widget parent )



The CreateWidget method is a virtual method of the Editor.Assets.AssetPreview class. It is responsible for creating a widget that can be used to display an asset preview within the editor. This method takes a single parameter, parent, which is an instance of Editor.Widget that acts as the parent widget for the newly created widget.


To use the CreateWidget method, you need to have an instance of Editor.Assets.AssetPreview. Call the method with a parent widget to create a new widget for asset previewing. This method can be overridden in derived classes to provide custom widget creation logic.


// Assuming 'assetPreview' is an instance of Editor.Assets.AssetPreview
Editor.Widget parentWidget = new Editor.Widget();
Editor.Widget previewWidget = assetPreview.CreateWidget(parentWidget);

// Use 'previewWidget' as needed, for example, adding it to a UI layout.