class BaseDropObject



The BaseDropObject class in the Editor namespace is an abstract class designed to handle drag-and-drop operations within the editor environment. It provides methods and properties to manage the lifecycle and state of objects being dragged and dropped.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
OnUpdatePosition and update the preview. If Dropped is true, finalize action and update.
OnDropPosition and update the preview. If Dropped is true, finalize action and update.
OnDestroyClean up after yourself.
StartInitializeInitializes the drop object with the provided drag data.
TickPerforms a tick update on the drop object.
UpdateDragUpdates the drag operation with the given trace result and scene settings.
DeleteDeletes the drop object.

Static Methods

Member NameSummary
CreateDropForCreates a drop object for the specified text.


Member NameSummary
DroppedIndicates whether the object has been dropped.
DeletedIndicates whether the object has been deleted.
PackageStatusGets the package status of the drop object.
PivotPositionGets or sets the pivot position of the drop object.
BoundsGets the bounding box of the drop object.
GameObjectGets the associated game object.
IsInitializedIndicates whether the drop object is initialized.