Task OnDrop()



The OnDrop method is a virtual method in the Editor.BaseDropObject class. It is responsible for handling the drop action of a drag-and-drop operation within the editor. This method positions and updates the preview of the object being dropped. If the Dropped property is set to true, it finalizes the action and updates the state accordingly.


To use the OnDrop method, you should override it in a derived class of BaseDropObject. This allows you to customize the behavior when an object is dropped. Ensure that you handle the positioning and updating of the preview correctly, and finalize the action if the Dropped property is true.


public class CustomDropObject : BaseDropObject
    public override async Task OnDrop()
        // Custom logic for handling the drop
        if (Dropped)
            // Finalize the drop action
            // Update the state of the object
            // Update the preview position