Vector3 PivotPosition { get; set; }



The PivotPosition property of the BaseDropObject class represents the pivot point of the object in 3D space. This property is of type Vector3, which means it holds three-dimensional coordinates (x, y, z) that define the position of the pivot relative to the object's local space.


Use the PivotPosition property to get or set the pivot point of a BaseDropObject. This can be useful when you need to adjust the object's rotation or scaling around a specific point in its local space.

To set the pivot position, assign a new Vector3 value to the property. To retrieve the current pivot position, simply access the property.


// Example of setting the PivotPosition
BaseDropObject dropObject = new BaseDropObject();
dropObject.PivotPosition = new Vector3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);

// Example of getting the PivotPosition
Vector3 currentPivot = dropObject.PivotPosition;

// Output the current pivot position
// Note: Use a logging system instead of Console.WriteLine
Log.Info($"Current Pivot Position: {currentPivot}");