static class CodeEditor



The CodeEditor class in the Editor namespace is responsible for opening source code files in the code editor selected by the user. It provides static methods to open files, solutions, and addons, as well as properties to access the current code editor and its title.


Static Methods

Member Name Summary
OpenFile(ISourcePathProvider location) Opens a file at the specified location using a source path provider.
OpenFile(string path, int? line, int? column) Opens a file at the specified path, optionally at a specific line and column.
OpenSolution() Open the solution of all s&box projects.
OpenAddon(Project addon) Opens the specified addon project in the code editor.
FindSolutionFromPath(string path) Finds the solution file from the given path.
AddonSolutionPath() Gets the path to the addon solution.

Static Properties

Member Name Summary
Current The current code editor being used.
Title Friendly name for the current code editor.