class InspectorHeader : Widget



The InspectorHeader class is part of the Editor namespace and extends the Editor.Widget class. It is used to create and manage the header section of an inspector panel in the s&box editor environment. This class provides properties and methods to customize the appearance and behavior of the header, including its color, title, and collapsibility.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
BackgroundColorGets or sets the background color of the inspector header.
HeaderColorDefines the default color for the header.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
BuildUIConstructs the user interface elements for the inspector header.
TitleGets or sets the title text displayed in the inspector header.
IconGets or sets the icon associated with the inspector header.
HelpUrlGets or sets the URL for help documentation related to the inspector header.
ColorGets or sets the color of the inspector header.
IsCollapsableIndicates whether the inspector header can be collapsed.
IsExpandedIndicates whether the inspector header is currently expanded.
ContextMenuDefines the context menu actions available for the inspector header.