The MapClass class in the Editor
namespace represents an entity class used by the map editor. It provides various properties that define the characteristics and behavior of map entities within the editor environment.
The MapClass class in the Editor
namespace represents an entity class used by the map editor. It provides various properties that define the characteristics and behavior of map entities within the editor environment.
Member Name | Summary |
Name | Class name e.g prop_physics |
DisplayName | Display name e.g Physics Prop |
Description | Human readable name e.g Physics Prop |
Icon | Icon (Material) |
Category | Category |
Type | C# Type of this class |
IsPointClass | A point entity, i.e. a model entity, etc. |
IsSolidClass | A solid class entity, triggers, etc., entities that are tied to from a mesh in Hammer |
IsPathClass | A path entity, will appear in the Path Tool. |
IsCableClass | A cable entity, will appear in the Path Tool. |
Variables | List of properties exposed to tools for this class. |
Inputs | List of inputs for this class. |
Outputs | List of outputs for this class. |
Tags | General purpose tags, some with special meanings within Hammer and map compilers. |
EditorHelpers | In-editor helpers for this class, such as box visualizers for certain properties, etc. |
Metadata | General purpose key-value store to alter functionality of UI, map compilation, editor helpers, etc. |
GameIdent | What game does this belong to? (TODO: Might not be best place for this?) |
Package | What package did this entity come from? |