void OnSelectionChanged()



The OnSelectionChanged method is a virtual method in the BaseMeshTool class, which is part of the Editor.MeshEditor namespace. This method is called whenever the selection of mesh elements (such as vertices, edges, or faces) changes within the mesh editor tool. It allows derived classes to implement custom behavior that should occur in response to selection changes.


To use the OnSelectionChanged method, you should create a class that derives from BaseMeshTool and override this method. Implement the logic that should be executed when the selection changes. This could include updating UI elements, recalculating selection bounds, or triggering other tool-specific actions.


public class CustomMeshTool : BaseMeshTool
    public override void OnSelectionChanged()
        // Custom logic to handle selection changes
        // For example, update a UI element or recalculate selection bounds

    private void UpdateUI()
        // Implementation for updating UI

    private void RecalculateBounds()
        // Implementation for recalculating selection bounds