struct MeshFace



The MeshFace struct in the Editor.MeshEditor namespace represents a face handle and the mesh component it belongs to. It provides various properties and methods to interact with the mesh face, such as retrieving the closest vertex or edge, and accessing texture and material properties.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
GetClosestVertexFinds the closest vertex to a given point within a specified maximum distance.
GetClosestEdgeFinds the closest edge to a given point within a specified maximum distance.
ComponentGets the mesh component associated with this face.
HandleGets the face handle.
HandleIndexGets the index of the face handle.
IsValidIndicates whether the face is valid.
TransformGets the transform of the face.
CenterGets the center position of the face.
TextureOffsetGets or sets the texture offset of the face.
TextureScaleGets or sets the texture scale of the face.
MaterialGets or sets the material of the face.