

The Deconstruct method is a member of the ConnectionHandleConfig struct within the Editor.NodeEditor namespace. This method is used to deconstruct a ConnectionHandleConfig instance into its constituent parts, which are output as separate variables. This is particularly useful for pattern matching and simplifying the extraction of multiple properties from a single object.


To use the Deconstruct method, you need to have an instance of ConnectionHandleConfig. You can then call the method, passing in variables with the out keyword to receive the values of the properties:

ConnectionHandleConfig config = new ConnectionHandleConfig();
config.Deconstruct(out string name, out DragDirection direction, out ConnectionPlug relativePlug, out Vector2 sceneOrigin, out float defaultValue, out float? min, out float? max);

After calling Deconstruct, the variables name, direction, relativePlug, sceneOrigin, defaultValue, min, and max will contain the respective values from the ConnectionHandleConfig instance.


ConnectionHandleConfig config = new ConnectionHandleConfig();
config.Deconstruct(out string name, out DragDirection direction, out ConnectionPlug relativePlug, out Vector2 sceneOrigin, out float defaultValue, out float? min, out float? max);

// Now you can use the deconstructed values
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {name}, Direction: {direction}, Relative Plug: {relativePlug}, Scene Origin: {sceneOrigin}, Default: {defaultValue}, Min: {min}, Max: {max}");