Brush Brush { get; set; }



The Brush property of the TerrainEditorTool class provides access to the current brush being used in the terrain editing process. This property is static, meaning it is shared across all instances of the TerrainEditorTool class. The brush is a fundamental component in terrain modification, allowing users to apply various effects and changes to the terrain surface.


To use the Brush property, you can directly access it through the TerrainEditorTool class. This property is typically used in conjunction with other terrain editing tools and settings to customize the terrain editing experience.

Example usage:

var currentBrush = TerrainEditorTool.Brush;
// Use currentBrush to modify terrain


// Access the current brush used in terrain editing
var currentBrush = TerrainEditorTool.Brush;

// Example: Check if the brush is null
if (currentBrush != null)
    // Perform operations with the brush
    // For example, apply the brush to a specific area of the terrain