class HalfEdgeHandle



The HalfEdgeHandle class is a part of the HalfEdgeMesh namespace and represents a handle to a half-edge in a half-edge mesh data structure. This class provides properties to access various elements related to the half-edge, such as its index, validity, and connections to vertices, opposite edges, next edges, and faces.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
InvalidRepresents an invalid half-edge handle.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
IndexGets the index of the half-edge in the mesh.
IsValidIndicates whether the half-edge handle is valid.
VertexGets the vertex handle associated with this half-edge.
OppositeEdgeGets the handle to the opposite half-edge.
NextEdgeGets the handle to the next half-edge in the face.
FaceGets the face handle associated with this half-edge.