struct Matrix



The Matrix struct represents a 4x4 matrix, commonly used in 3D graphics for transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
CreateWorldCreates a world matrix from position, forward, and up vectors.
CreateRotationCreates a rotation matrix from a Rotation or Vector3 angles.
CreateRotationXCreates a matrix for rotation around the X-axis.
CreateRotationYCreates a matrix for rotation around the Y-axis.
CreateRotationZCreates a matrix for rotation around the Z-axis.
CreateTranslationCreates a translation matrix from a vector.
CreateScaleCreates a scaling matrix from a vector, with optional center point.
CreateSkewCreates a skew matrix from a vector.
CreateSkewXCreates a skew matrix along the X-axis.
CreateSkewYCreates a skew matrix along the Y-axis.
CreateMatrix3DCreates a 3D matrix from an array of floats.
LerpLinearly interpolates between two matrices.
SlerpSpherically interpolates between two matrices.
IdentityReturns the multiplicative identity matrix.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
TransposeReturns the transposed version of this matrix.
TransformTransforms a vector by this matrix.
TransformNormalTransforms a normal vector by this matrix.
InvertedReturns the inverse of this matrix.