class Achievement



The Achievement class in the Sandbox namespace represents a game achievement, encapsulating details such as its name, title, description, and status. This class is sealed, meaning it cannot be inherited. It provides properties to access various attributes of an achievement, including its visibility, progression, and unlock status.


Instance Members

Member Name Summary
Name The internal name of the achievement.
Title The display title of the achievement.
Description A brief description of what the achievement entails.
Icon The icon associated with the achievement.
IsUnlocked Indicates whether the achievement has been unlocked.
UnlockTimestamp The timestamp when the achievement was unlocked, if applicable.
Score The score value associated with the achievement.
IsVisible Returns whether this achievement should be visible to the player.
HasProgression Indicates if the achievement has a progression component.
ProgressionFraction A float representing the progression of this stat. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%. Not clamped.