Ray ScreenNormalToRay( Vector3 normalPosition )



The ScreenNormalToRay method in the CameraComponent class is used to convert a normalized screen position into a Ray in world space. This is particularly useful for raycasting from the camera into the scene, allowing you to determine what objects are under a specific screen position.


To use the ScreenNormalToRay method, you need to provide a Vector3 representing the normalized screen position. The method will return a Ray that starts at the camera's position and points in the direction corresponding to the provided screen position.

The normalPosition parameter should be a Vector3 where the x and y components are normalized screen coordinates (ranging from 0 to 1), and the z component is typically set to 0.


// Example usage of ScreenNormalToRay
CameraComponent camera = new CameraComponent();
Vector3 screenPosition = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f); // Center of the screen
Ray ray = camera.ScreenNormalToRay(screenPosition);

// Use the ray for raycasting or other operations
// For example, checking what the ray intersects with in the scene