static System.Object JsonRead( System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader& reader, System.Type targetType )



The JsonRead method is a static method of the Component class in the Sandbox API. It is used to read and deserialize JSON data into an object of a specified type. This method is particularly useful when you need to convert JSON data into a specific object type within the context of a component in a game scene.


To use the JsonRead method, you need to provide two parameters:

  • reader: A reference to a System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader object that contains the JSON data to be read.
  • targetType: A System.Type object representing the type of the object you want to deserialize the JSON data into.

The method returns an System.Object that is the deserialized representation of the JSON data as the specified target type.


// Example usage of the JsonRead method

// Assume 'jsonReader' is an instance of Utf8JsonReader containing JSON data
// and 'desiredType' is the Type you want to deserialize the JSON into.

System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader jsonReader = ...; // Initialize with JSON data
System.Type desiredType = typeof(MyComponentType); // Specify the target type

object result = Component.JsonRead(ref jsonReader, desiredType);

// 'result' now holds the deserialized object of type 'MyComponentType'.