class CubemapFogController



The CubemapFogController class in the Sandbox namespace is responsible for managing fog effects using a cubemap texture. It provides various properties to control the appearance and behavior of the fog, such as its start and end distances, falloff, and tint.


Instance Properties

Member Name Summary
LodBias Adjust how quickly the cubemap blurs out at closer distances. A value of 0.0 always uses the lowest resolution MIP over the entire range, while a value of 1.0 uses the highest.
StartDistance The distance from the player at which the fog will start to fade in.
EndDistance The distance from the player at which the fog will be at full strength.
FalloffExponent Exponent for distance falloff. For example, 2.0 is proportional to square of distance.
HeightWidth The distance between the start of the height fog and where it is fully opaque. Setting this to 0 will disable height based blending.
HeightStart The absolute height in the map at which the height fog will start to fade in.
HeightExponent Exponent for height falloff. For example, 2.0 is proportional to square of distance.
Enabled Is this cubemap fog active?
Texture Cubemap texture to use for the fog.
Transform Location of the fog.
Tint Tint of the fog.