The ProjectConfig class provides configuration settings for a Sandbox Project. It includes properties and methods to manage metadata, directories, and other project-specific settings.
The ProjectConfig class provides configuration settings for a Sandbox Project. It includes properties and methods to manage metadata, directories, and other project-specific settings.
Member Name | Summary |
ToJson | Serialize the entire config to a JSON string. |
TryGetMeta | Attempts to retrieve metadata by key name. |
GetMetaOrDefault | Gets metadata by key name or returns a default value if not found. |
SetMeta | Sets metadata for a given key name. |
Directory | The directory housing this addon (TODO). |
AssetsDirectory | The directory housing this addon (TODO). |
Title | The human readable title, for example "Sandbox", "Counter-Strike". |
Type | The type of addon. Current valid values are "game". |
Org | The ident of the org that owns this addon. For example "facepunch", "valve". |
Ident | The ident of this addon. For example "sandbox", "cs" or "dm98". |
PackageType | Type of the package. |
FullIdent | Returns a combination of Org and Ident - for example "facepunch.sandbox" or "valve.cs". |
Schema | The version of the addon file. Allows us to upgrade internally. |
IncludeSourceFiles | If true then we'll include all the source files. |
Resources | A list of paths in which to look for extra assets to upload with the addon. Note that compiled asset files are automatically included. |
PackageReferences | A list of packages that this package depends on. These should be installed alongside this package. |
EditorReferences | A list of packages that this package uses but there is no need to install. For example, a map package might use a model package - but there is no need to download that model package because any usage will organically be included in the manifest. However, when loading this item in the editor, it'd make sense to install these 'cloud' packages. |
IsWhitelistDisabled | Whether or not this project has the whitelist disabled. If this is the case, it can only be exported, and cannot be uploaded to |
Metadata | Custom key-value storage for this project. |