The DisplayInfo struct in the Sandbox
namespace is designed to gather comprehensive information about a type or type member. This includes details such as description, name, icon, and more, sourced from attributes and other relevant sources.
The DisplayInfo struct in the Sandbox
namespace is designed to gather comprehensive information about a type or type member. This includes details such as description, name, icon, and more, sourced from attributes and other relevant sources.
Member Name | Summary |
ForType | Retrieves DisplayInfo for a specified type, with an option to include inherited information. |
For | Gets DisplayInfo for a given object, considering inheritance if specified. |
ForMember | Obtains DisplayInfo for a specific member, with an option to include inherited data. |
ForEnumValues | Generates an array of DisplayInfo for all values of an enumeration type. |
ForEnumValues<T> | Creates a tuple array of enum values and their corresponding DisplayInfo . |
Member Name | Summary |
HasTag | Checks if the DisplayInfo contains a specific tag. |
ClassName | "Internal" class name, typically lowercase and without special characters or spaces. |
Namespace | Namespace of the type. |
Fullname | Full name in the format Namespace.ParentClass.Class.Member. |
Name | The name of the type or member. |
Description | Summary or description of the type or member. |
Group | Group or category of the type or member. |
ReadOnly | Indicates if the member is marked as ReadOnly. |
Icon | Material icon associated with the type or member. |
Order | Order for UI purposes. |
Browsable | Determines if the member should be visible in a properties sheet. |
Placeholder | Placeholder text for string properties, shown when input is empty. |
Alias | Possible aliases for the type or member. |
Tags | Tags associated with the type or member. |