struct MeshTraceRequest



The MeshTraceRequest struct is part of the Sandbox.Engine.Utility.RayTrace namespace and is used to perform ray tracing operations on meshes. It provides methods to configure and execute a ray trace, returning the first hit result.


Instance Methods

Member Name Summary
Run Run the trace and return the result. The result will return the first hit.
Ray(Vector3& from, Vector3& to) Sets the ray trace from a start point to an end point.
Ray(Ray& ray, float& distance) Sets the ray trace using a Ray object and a maximum distance.
WithTag(string tag) Filters the trace to only include objects with the specified tag.
WithAllTags(string[] tags) Filters the trace to only include objects with all specified tags.
WithAnyTags(string[] tags) Filters the trace to include objects with any of the specified tags.
WithoutTags(string[] tags) Filters the trace to exclude objects with any of the specified tags.