struct Frustum



The Frustum struct in the Sandbox namespace represents a geometric frustum, which is a portion of a 3D space defined by six planes. This is commonly used in graphics programming to represent the visible area of a camera.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
FromCornersCreates a frustum from four corner rays and near and far distances.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
GetCornerGets the corner point of the frustum at the specified index.
GetBBoxReturns the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of this frustum.
IsInside(Vector3&)Checks if a point is inside the frustum.
IsInside(BBox&, bool)Checks if a bounding box is inside the frustum, with an option to check for partial inclusion.
RightPlaneRight plane of the frustum, pointing inwards.
LeftPlaneLeft plane of the frustum, pointing inwards.
TopPlaneTop plane of the frustum, pointing inwards.
BottomPlaneBottom plane of the frustum, pointing inwards.
NearPlaneNear plane of the frustum, pointing inwards.
FarPlaneFar plane of the frustum, pointing inwards.