class GameTransform



The GameTransform class in the Sandbox namespace is responsible for managing the transformation properties of a game object, including position, rotation, and scale in both local and world coordinates. It provides methods for interpolation and managing proxy states.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
LerpToPerforms linear interpolation between this and the given transform.
ClearInterpolationClear any interpolation and force us to reach our final destination immediately. If we own this object, we'll tell other clients to clear interpolation too when they receive the next network update from us.
ClearLerpUse ClearInterpolation.
DisableProxyDisable the proxy temporarily.
GameObjectThe game object associated with this transform.
ParentThe parent game object of this transform.
ProxyThe transform proxy associated with this transform.
InterpolatedLocalThe current interpolated local transform.
LocalThe current local transform.
WorldThe current world transform.
PositionThe position in world coordinates.
RotationThe rotation in world coordinates.
ScaleThe scale in world coordinates.
LocalPositionPosition in local coordinates.
LocalRotationRotation in local coordinates.
LocalScaleScale in local coordinates.
OnTransformChangedAn action that is triggered when the transform changes.