enum GamepadCode : System.Enum



The GamepadCode enumeration in the Sandbox namespace represents various game controller button codes, primarily driven from SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer). This enum is used to identify different buttons and controls on a gamepad.


Static Fields

Member Name Summary
None Represents no button pressed.
A Represents the A button on the gamepad.
B Represents the B button on the gamepad.
X Represents the X button on the gamepad.
Y Represents the Y button on the gamepad.
SwitchLeftMenu Represents the left menu button on a Switch controller.
Guide Represents the guide button, often the central button on a gamepad.
SwitchRightMenu Represents the right menu button on a Switch controller.
LeftJoystickButton Represents the button press on the left joystick.
RightJoystickButton Represents the button press on the right joystick.
SwitchLeftBumper Represents the left bumper button on a Switch controller.
SwitchRightBumper Represents the right bumper button on a Switch controller.
DpadNorth Represents the north (up) direction on the D-pad.
DpadSouth Represents the south (down) direction on the D-pad.
DpadWest Represents the west (left) direction on the D-pad.
DpadEast Represents the east (right) direction on the D-pad.
Misc1 Represents a miscellaneous button, often used for additional features.
Paddle1 Represents the first paddle button, typically found on advanced controllers.
Paddle2 Represents the second paddle button.
Paddle3 Represents the third paddle button.
Paddle4 Represents the fourth paddle button.
Touchpad Represents the touchpad button, often found on modern controllers.
BUTTONS_MAX Represents the maximum number of buttons supported.
LeftTrigger Represents the left trigger button.
RightTrigger Represents the right trigger button.