struct GradientFogController



The GradientFogController struct in the Sandbox namespace is used to manage gradient fog settings in a scene. It provides properties to control the fog's appearance and methods to manipulate its behavior.


Instance Properties

Member Name Summary
Enabled Whether the fog is enabled.
StartDistance Start distance of the fog.
EndDistance End distance of the fog.
StartHeight Height at which the fog starts.
EndHeight Height at which the fog ends.
MaximumOpacity Maximum opacity of the fog.
Color Color of the fog.
DistanceFalloffExponent Exponent for distance falloff of the fog.
VerticalFalloffExponent Exponent for vertical falloff of the fog.

Instance Methods

Member Name Summary
Write Writes the current fog settings to the specified render attributes.
LerpTo Interpolates the fog settings towards the desired settings over time.