class UndoSystem



The UndoSystem class in the Sandbox.Helpers namespace provides a framework for implementing undo and redo functionality. It manages a history of actions that can be undone or redone, allowing developers to easily integrate this feature into their applications.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
UndoInstigate an undo. Returns true if a successful undo was found.
RedoInstigate a redo. Returns true if a successful redo was found.
InsertInsert a new undo/redo entry with a title and actions for undo and redo.
SetSnapshotFunctionObsolete. Set a function to create snapshots for undo actions.
SnapshotObsolete. Create a snapshot with a given title.
InitializeClear the history and take an initial snapshot. Should be called after loading or starting a new project.


Member NameSummary
BackBackwards stack.
ForwardForwards stack, gets cleared when a new undo is added.


Member NameSummary
OnUndoCalled when an undo is run.
OnRedoCalled when a redo is run.