enum ImageFormat : System.Enum



The ImageFormat enumeration in the Sandbox namespace defines a set of constants that specify the format of an image. This enumeration is used to identify the pixel format of images in various operations, such as rendering or image processing.


Static Fields

Member NameSummary
NoneNo image format specified.
DefaultThe default image format.
RGBA888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
ABGR888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Alpha, Blue, Green, Red).
RGB88824-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue).
BGR88824-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red).
RGB56516-bit image format with 5 bits for Red, 6 bits for Green, and 5 bits for Blue.
I88-bit grayscale image format.
IA8816-bit image format with 8 bits for intensity and 8 bits for alpha.
P88-bit paletted image format.
A88-bit alpha-only image format.
RGB888_BLUESCREEN24-bit image format with a blue screen mask.
BGR888_BLUESCREEN24-bit image format with a blue screen mask.
ARGB888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue).
BGRA888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha).
DXT1Compressed image format using DXT1 compression.
DXT3Compressed image format using DXT3 compression.
DXT5Compressed image format using DXT5 compression.
BGRX888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, unused).
BGR56516-bit image format with 5 bits for Blue, 6 bits for Green, and 5 bits for Red.
BGRX555116-bit image format with 5 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red) and 1 unused bit.
BGRA444416-bit image format with 4 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha).
DXT1_ONEBITALPHACompressed image format using DXT1 with one-bit alpha.
BGRA555116-bit image format with 5 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red) and 1 bit for Alpha.
UV8816-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (U, V).
UVWQ888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (U, V, W, Q).
RGBA16161616F64-bit floating-point image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
RGBA1616161664-bit image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
UVLX888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (U, V, L, X).
R32F32-bit floating-point image format for the Red channel.
RGB323232F96-bit floating-point image format with 32 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue).
RGBA32323232F128-bit floating-point image format with 32 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
NV_DST16NVIDIA-specific 16-bit depth format.
NV_DST24NVIDIA-specific 24-bit depth format.
NV_INTZNVIDIA-specific depth format with stencil.
NV_RAWZNVIDIA-specific raw depth format.
ATI_DST16ATI-specific 16-bit depth format.
ATI_DST24ATI-specific 24-bit depth format.
ATI2NATI-specific compressed format for normal maps.
ATI1NATI-specific compressed format for single-channel data.
X360_DST16X360-specific 16-bit depth format.
X360_DST24X360-specific 24-bit depth format.
X360_DST24FX360-specific 24-bit floating-point depth format.
LINEAR_BGRX8888Linear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, unused).
LINEAR_RGBA8888Linear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
LINEAR_ABGR8888Linear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Alpha, Blue, Green, Red).
LINEAR_ARGB8888Linear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue).
LINEAR_BGRA8888Linear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha).
LINEAR_RGB888Linear 24-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue).
LINEAR_BGR888Linear 24-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red).
LINEAR_BGRX5551Linear 16-bit image format with 5 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red) and 1 unused bit.
LINEAR_I8Linear 8-bit grayscale image format.
LINEAR_RGBA16161616Linear 64-bit image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
LE_BGRX8888Little-endian 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, unused).
LE_BGRA8888Little-endian 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha).
RG1616F32-bit floating-point image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green).
RG3232F64-bit floating-point image format with 32 bits for each channel (Red, Green).
RGBX888832-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, unused).
NULLNull image format, used as a placeholder.
RGBA101010232-bit image format with 10 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue) and 2 bits for Alpha.
BGRA101010232-bit image format with 10 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red) and 2 bits for Alpha.
R16F16-bit floating-point image format for the Red channel.
D1616-bit depth format.
D15S116-bit depth format with 1-bit stencil.
D3232-bit depth format.
D24S824-bit depth format with 8-bit stencil.
LINEAR_D24S8Linear 24-bit depth format with 8-bit stencil.
D24X824-bit depth format with 8 unused bits.
D24X4S424-bit depth format with 4-bit stencil and 4 unused bits.
D24FS824-bit floating-point depth format with 8-bit stencil.
D16_SHADOW16-bit shadow depth format.
D24X8_SHADOW24-bit shadow depth format with 8 unused bits.
RGBA16161616_EDRAM64-bit EDRAM image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
RGBA1010102F_EDRAM32-bit EDRAM image format with 10 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue) and 2 bits for Alpha.
R16F_EXPAND16-bit expanded floating-point image format for the Red channel.
RG1616F_EXPAND32-bit expanded floating-point image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green).
RGBA16161616F_EXPAND64-bit expanded floating-point image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
RGBA16161616F_EDRAM_RGBA1010102F64-bit EDRAM image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) and 32-bit floating-point format.
RGBA16161616F_EXPAND_EDRAM_RGBA1010102F64-bit expanded EDRAM image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) and 32-bit floating-point format.
RGBA16161616_EDRAM_RGBA1616161664-bit EDRAM image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
DXT5_NMCompressed image format using DXT5 for normal maps.
RG161632-bit image format with 16 bits for each channel (Red, Green).
R1616-bit image format for the Red channel.
RGBA8888_LINEARLinear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
BGRA8888_LINEARLinear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha).
BGRX8888_LINEARLinear 32-bit image format with 8 bits for each channel (Blue, Green, Red, unused).
RGBX55516-bit image format with 5 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue) and 1 unused bit.
BC6HCompressed image format using BC6H compression.
BC7Compressed image format using BC7 compression.
R32_UINT32-bit unsigned integer image format for the Red channel.
R8G8B8_ETC2Compressed image format using ETC2 compression for RGB.
R8G8B8A8_ETC2_EACCompressed image format using ETC2 and EAC compression for RGBA.
R11_EACCompressed image format using EAC compression for single-channel data.
RG11_EACCompressed image format using EAC compression for two-channel data.
D32FS832-bit floating-point depth format with 8-bit stencil.
RGBA32323232128-bit image format with 32 bits for each channel (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
I16F16-bit floating-point grayscale image format.