class MethodDescription : MemberDescription



The MethodDescription class in the Sandbox namespace provides a detailed description of a method. It serves as a wrapper for MethodInfo objects, ensuring safe interaction. This class is typically returned by TypeLibrary and TypeDescription.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
InvokeInvokes the method on the specified target object with the given parameters.
InvokeWithReturnInvokes the method on the specified target object with the given parameters and returns a value of type T.
CreateDelegateCreates a delegate of type T for the method.
CreateDelegateCreates a delegate of type T for the method, targeting the specified object.
CreateDelegateCreates a delegate for the method using the specified delegate type.
CreateDelegateCreates a delegate for the method using the specified delegate type and target object.

Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
IsMethodReturns true, indicating this is a method.
IsSpecialNameIndicates whether the method has a special name.
IsVirtualIndicates whether the method is virtual.
ReturnTypeGets the return type of this method.
ParametersGets a list of parameters expected by this method.