IsRemote | Whether this is a remote or a locally installed package. |
Org | The owner of this package. |
FullIdent | Full unique identity of this package. |
Ident | Unique identity of this package within its organization. |
Title | A "nice" name of this package, shown to players in UI. |
Summary | A short summary of the package. |
Description | Full description of the package. |
Thumb | Link to the thumbnail image of this package. |
ThumbWide | Link to the wide thumbnail image of this package. |
ThumbTall | Link to the tall thumbnail image of this package. |
VideoThumb | Link to the thumbnail video of this package. |
EngineVersion | Engine version this package was uploaded with. |
Tags | List of tags for this package. |
PackageReferences | List of packages that this package depends on. |
EditorReferences | List of packages that this package depended on during editing. |
PackageType | What kind of package it is. |
TypeName | What kind of package it is. |
Public | Whether this package is public or hidden. |
Archived | Whether this package is archived or not. |
FileSize | The total size of this package in MB. |
Usage | Statistics for user interactions with this package. |
Favourited | Number of players who added this package to their favourites. |
VotesUp | Number of players who voted this package up. |
VotesDown | Number of players who voted this package down. |
Source | Link to this package's sources, if set. |
ApiVersion | For game extension compatibility. |
Screenshots | A list of screenshots. |
IsFavourite | True if this asset is in our favourite list. |
CanEdit | True if we're a member of this package's organization. |
Url | A link to this asset on our backend. |
Updated | When the entry was last updated. |
Created | When the package was originally created. |
Collections | How many collections we're in (roughly). |
Referencing | How many packages we're referencing (roughly). |
Referenced | How many packages we're referenced by (roughly). |
Revision | Information about the current package revision/version. |
Interaction | Describes the authenticated user's interactions with this package. |
LoadingScreen | If this package is a game, it can provide media to show on the loading screen. |