class Package



The Package class in the Sandbox namespace represents an asset on Asset Party. It provides various properties and methods to interact with and retrieve information about packages.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
TryParseIdentAttempts to parse a package identifier.
FormatIdentFormats a package identifier string.
FetchAsyncFetches a package asynchronously using its identifier.
TryGetCachedTries to get a cached package by its identifier.
GetCachedTitleGets the cached title of a package.
FindAsyncFinds packages asynchronously based on a query.
ListAsyncLists packages asynchronously.
SortByReferencesSorts packages by their references.
FetchVersionsFetches versions of a package asynchronously.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
GetAchievementsGet a list of achievements.
GetValueRetrieves a value by name with a default.
GetMetaRetrieves metadata by key with a default.
GetCachedMetaRetrieves cached metadata by key with a default.


Property NameSummary
IsRemoteWhether this is a remote or a locally installed package.
OrgThe owner of this package.
FullIdentFull unique identity of this package.
IdentUnique identity of this package within its organization.
TitleA "nice" name of this package, shown to players in UI.
SummaryA short summary of the package.
DescriptionFull description of the package.
ThumbLink to the thumbnail image of this package.
ThumbWideLink to the wide thumbnail image of this package.
ThumbTallLink to the tall thumbnail image of this package.
VideoThumbLink to the thumbnail video of this package.
EngineVersionEngine version this package was uploaded with.
TagsList of tags for this package.
PackageReferencesList of packages that this package depends on.
EditorReferencesList of packages that this package depended on during editing.
PackageTypeWhat kind of package it is.
TypeNameWhat kind of package it is.
PublicWhether this package is public or hidden.
ArchivedWhether this package is archived or not.
FileSizeThe total size of this package in MB.
UsageStatistics for user interactions with this package.
FavouritedNumber of players who added this package to their favourites.
VotesUpNumber of players who voted this package up.
VotesDownNumber of players who voted this package down.
SourceLink to this package's sources, if set.
ApiVersionFor game extension compatibility.
ScreenshotsA list of screenshots.
IsFavouriteTrue if this asset is in our favourite list.
CanEditTrue if we're a member of this package's organization.
UrlA link to this asset on our backend.
UpdatedWhen the entry was last updated.
CreatedWhen the package was originally created.
CollectionsHow many collections we're in (roughly).
ReferencingHow many packages we're referencing (roughly).
ReferencedHow many packages we're referenced by (roughly).
RevisionInformation about the current package revision/version.
InteractionDescribes the authenticated user's interactions with this package.
LoadingScreenIf this package is a game, it can provide media to show on the loading screen.