System.Object OutputValue()



The OutputValue method of the ParticleControlPoint struct is designed to retrieve the current value of the control point. This method returns an object that represents the value associated with the control point, which can be of various types such as a vector, float, color, or a game object.


To use the OutputValue method, you need to have an instance of the ParticleControlPoint struct. Once you have the instance, you can call the method to get the current value of the control point. This is useful when you need to dynamically access the value for rendering or processing within a particle system.


// Example of using the OutputValue method
ParticleControlPoint controlPoint = new ParticleControlPoint();
object value = controlPoint.OutputValue();

// Determine the type of the value and handle accordingly
if (value is Vector3 vectorValue)
    // Handle vector value
else if (value is float floatValue)
    // Handle float value
else if (value is Color colorValue)
    // Handle color value
else if (value is GameObject gameObjectValue)
    // Handle game object value