class Project



The Project class in the Sandbox namespace represents an on-disk project. It provides various methods and properties to access and manage different aspects of a project, such as its paths, configuration, and status.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
LoadLoads a project from the specified directory.
CurrentCurrent open project.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
GetRootPathAbsolute path to the location of the .sbproj file of the project.
GetCodePathAbsolute path to the code folder of the project.
HasCodePathReturns true if the Code path exists.
GetAssetsPathAbsolute path to the assets folder of the project, or null if not set.
GetLocalizationPathAbsolute path to the localization folder of the project, or null if not set.
HasAssetsPathReturns true if the Assets path exists.
IsSourcePublishReturn true if this project type uploads all the source files when it's published.
HasCompilerWhether the project's code has a compiler assigned.
ConfigFilePathAbsolute path to the .addon file.
RootDirectoryRoot directory of this project.
ActiveTrue if this project is active.
PinnedTrue if this project is pinned, we'll prioritise it when sorting.
LastOpenedWhen did the user last open this project?
BrokenTrue if this project failed to load properly for some reason.
IsPublishedReturns true if this project has previously been published.
EditUrlThe URL to the package's page for editing.
ViewUrlThe URL to the package's page for viewing/linking.
ConfigConfiguration of the project.
IsTransientIf true this project isn't a 'real' project. It's likely a temporary project created with the intention to configure and publish a single asset.
IsBuiltInIf true this project isn't a 'real' project. It's likely a temporary project created with the intention to configure and publish a single asset.
PackageThe package for this project. This is a mock up of the actual package.