class PropertyDescription : MemberDescription



The PropertyDescription class in the Sandbox namespace provides a detailed description of a property. It is used to encapsulate and safely interact with property information, typically returned by the TypeLibrary and TypeDescription classes.



Member NameSummary
IsPropertyIndicates if the member is a property.
CanWriteWhether this property can be written to.
CanReadWhether this property can be read.
IsGetMethodPublicWhether the getter of this property is public.
IsSetMethodPublicWhether the setter of this property is public.
PropertyTypeProperty type.
IsIndexerTrue if this property has index parameters.


Member NameSummary
GetValueGets the value of the property from the specified object.
SetValueSets the value of the property on the specified object.
CheckValidationAttributesChecks the validation attributes of the property on the specified object.