enum ResourceState : System.Enum



The ResourceState enumeration is used to describe the state of GPU resources for barrier transitions. It aligns with DX12's D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES, providing a high-level description of resource states that can be translated to lower-level graphics APIs.



Member NameSummary
CommonIndicates a common state with no specific usage.
PresentUsed when the resource is being presented to the screen.
VertexAndConstantBufferIndicates the resource is used as a vertex or constant buffer.
IndexBufferIndicates the resource is used as an index buffer.
RenderTargetIndicates the resource is used as a render target.
UnorderedAccessIndicates the resource is used for unordered access.
DepthWriteIndicates the resource is used for depth writing.
DepthReadIndicates the resource is used for depth reading.
NonPixelShaderResourceIndicates the resource is used as a non-pixel shader resource.
PixelShaderResourceIndicates the resource is used as a pixel shader resource.
StreamOutIndicates the resource is used for stream output.
IndirectArgumentIndicates the resource is used as an indirect argument.
PredicationIndicates the resource is used for predication.
CopyDestinationIndicates the resource is used as a copy destination.
CopySourceIndicates the resource is used as a copy source.
ResolveDestinationIndicates the resource is used as a resolve destination.
ResolveSourceIndicates the resource is used as a resolve source.
GenericReadIndicates the resource is used for generic reading.
AllShaderResourceIndicates the resource is used as a shader resource for all shader stages.