enum SceneCameraDebugMode : System.Enum



The SceneCameraDebugMode enumeration in the Sandbox namespace provides various modes for debugging the scene camera. Each mode offers a different visualization technique to aid in the development and debugging of scenes.


Static Fields

Member NameSummary
NormalDisplays the scene with standard lighting (Lit).
FullBrightRenders the scene with full brightness, ignoring shadows and lighting.
NormalMapShows world-space normals using a color map.
AlbedoDisplays the albedo (base color) of the materials.
RoughnessVisualizes the roughness of surfaces.
DiffuseShows the diffuse component of the lighting model.
ReflectDisplays reflections in the scene.
TransmissionVisualizes light transmission through materials.
ShowUVDisplays UV mapping coordinates.
ShaderIDColorShows shader IDs using colors.
TiledRenderingQuadsVisualizes tiled rendering lights.
QuadOverdrawDisplays quad overdraw to identify rendering inefficiencies.
AmbientOcclusionShows ambient occlusion effects.