static void EnableEditorRigidBody( Scene scene, Rigidbody body, bool enabled )



The EnableEditorRigidBody method is a static extension method for the Scene class, provided by the SceneExtensions class. This method allows you to enable or disable a specific Rigidbody within a given scene for editor purposes. This can be useful for testing and debugging physics interactions in the editor without affecting the runtime behavior.


To use the EnableEditorRigidBody method, you need to have a reference to a Scene object and a Rigidbody that you want to enable or disable. You also need to specify a boolean value indicating whether the rigidbody should be enabled or disabled.

Example usage:

Scene myScene = ...; // Obtain a reference to the scene
Rigidbody myRigidbody = ...; // Obtain a reference to the rigidbody
bool enable = true; // Set to true to enable, false to disable

SceneExtensions.EnableEditorRigidBody(myScene, myRigidbody, enable);


Scene myScene = ...; // Obtain a reference to the scene
Rigidbody myRigidbody = ...; // Obtain a reference to the rigidbody
bool enable = true; // Set to true to enable, false to disable

SceneExtensions.EnableEditorRigidBody(myScene, myRigidbody, enable);