enum TextFlag : System.Enum



The TextFlag enumeration in the Sandbox namespace provides flags that dictate the positioning of text and other elements. The default alignment on each axis is Top and Left. Values for each axis can be combined into a single value, but conflicting values have undefined behavior.


Static Fields

Member NameSummary
NoneNo alignment specified.
LeftAlign to the left on the X axis.
RightAlign to the right on the X axis.
CenterHorizontallyAlign in the center on the X axis.
JustifyJustify text alignment.
AbsoluteUse absolute positioning.
TopAnchor to the top on the Y axis.
BottomAnchor to the bottom on the Y axis.
CenterVerticallyAlign in the center on the Y axis.
LeftTopAnchor to the top left corner.
LeftCenterAnchor to the left side, center vertically.
LeftBottomAnchor to the bottom left corner.
CenterTopAnchor to the top side, center horizontally.
CenterAlign in the center on both axises.
CenterBottomAnchor to the bottom side, center horizontally.
RightTopAnchor to the top right corner.
RightCenterAnchor to the right side, center vertically.
RightBottomAnchor to the bottom right corner.
SingleLineLimit the text to a single line. Used in Graphics.DrawText and Graphics.MeasureText.
DontClipDo not cutoff text beyond its bounds. Used in Graphics.DrawText and Graphics.MeasureText.
WordWrapEnable word wrapping.
WrapAnywhereAllow wrapping at any point.