Describes a type. We use this class to wrap and return System.Type's that are safe to interact with.
Returned by Sandbox.Internal.TypeLibrary.
Describes a type. We use this class to wrap and return System.Type's that are safe to interact with.
Returned by Sandbox.Internal.TypeLibrary.
Member Name | Summary |
TargetType | The type this class describes. |
BaseType | The base type. This can return null if the type isn't in the type library! |
IsValid | Whether the class is valid or not, i.e. whether the type still exists. |
Members | All members (methods, properties, etc) of this type. |
DeclaredMembers | Members (methods, properties, etc) declared by exactly this type, and not inherited. |
Methods | All methods of this type. |
Properties | All properties of this type. |
Fields | All fields on this type. |
IsInterface | True if the target type is an interface |
IsEnum | True if the target type is an enum |
IsStatic | True if the target type is static |
IsClass | True if the target type is a class |
IsValueType | True if the target type is a value |
IsAbstract | Gets a value indicating whether the System.Type is abstract and must be overridden. |
Name | Name of this type. |
Namespace | Namespace of this type. |
FullName | Full name of this type. |
Title | |
Description | |
Icon | |
Group | |
Order | |
Tags | Tags are set via the [Tag] attribute |
Aliases | |
Identity | An integer that represents this type. Based off the class name. |
ClassName | A string representing this class name. Historically this was provided by [Library( classname )]. If no special name is provided, this will be type.Name. |
SourceLine | The line number of this member |
SourceFile | The file containing this member |
IsGenericType | True if we're a generic type |
GenericArguments | If we're a generic type this will return our generic parameters. |
Interfaces | If we implement any interfaces they will be here |
Member Name | Summary |
IsNamed | Checks if the type has the specified name. |
GetAttribute | Gets a specific attribute of the type, optionally considering inherited attributes. |
GetAttributes | Gets all attributes of the type, optionally considering inherited attributes. |
HasAttribute | Determines if the type has a specific attribute, optionally considering inherited attributes. |
HasTag | Checks if the type has a specific tag. |
GetProperty | Gets a property description by name. |
GetValue | Gets the value of a property from an instance by name. |
SetValue | Sets the value of a property on an instance by name. |
GetMethod | Gets a method description by name. |
Create | Creates an instance of the type with the specified arguments. |
CreateGeneric | Creates a generic instance of the type with the specified type arguments and constructor arguments. |
MakeGenericType | Makes a generic type with the specified type arguments. |